Major Maintenance of the Hartel Bridge Spijkenisse

Swiss Solutions Moulded Gratings with an Embedded Grit Top for the Hartel Bridge Rotterdam.

Rijkswaterstaat performed a major maintenance on the Hartel Bridge in 2013. The bridge is located as the most important connection between the city of Spijkenisse and the A15 between Rotterdam and the entire Rotterdam Port Area.  Because of this maintenance is the bridge in new condition and put the life assured for the next 40 years. Repair Management Netherlands BV awarded a contract on this major maintenance for the delivery of the Plastic Grids. Over the entire length of the bridge has the RMN delivered Moulded Gratings of the brand Swiss Solutions provided for covering the cable trunck in the middle of the bridge. The grilles are supplied by the client at the specified sizes, so no on-site cutting work had to be found there. Meanwhile, the work has been completed and all traffic can pass back the bridge unhindered.

We thank the customer for their trust in the quality of the Swiss Solutions Plastic gratings.

Hartelbrug Swiss Solutions Moulded Gratings

Hartelbrug Swiss Solutions Moulded Gratings

Hartelbrug Swiss Solutions Moulded Gratings Detail Cable Trunk

Hartelbrug Swiss Solutions Moulded Gratings Detail Cable Trunk

Hartelbrug Swiss Solutions Kunststof Roosters Kabelgoot

Hartelbrug Swiss Solutions Moulded Gratings Covering the Cable Truck

Hartelbrug Swiss Solutions Plastic Gratings
Hartelbrug Swiss Solutions Plastic Gratings