Our first Newsletter in September was a great success. Our Newsletter November-December 2016 shows a lot of new information.
Whats in it:
Oxxa and Emma personal protection in winter conditions, Wencon for leaking exhaust compensators and new compensators, Techned Atex maintenance free fluorescent luminiares, Swiss Solutions and how to deal with rust, Emco Controls float level switches, Miko Marine new tank sealer kit and powerfull magnets, Swiss Solutions moulded gratings and new RMN Wencon service partners.
Also a special offer of Saeco Professional Coffee machines.
Together with our new service partners we achieved a lot this year. Combining knowledge and skills of our companies offers a great benefit for all our customers. Many customers already experienced the benefit of this cooperation.
For more information about this contact our technical department.
If you want to receive our NEWSLETTER in a printed version by post please contact us