Ega Master Safety Tools
A special range of the EGA MASTER tools are the Safety Tools. Ega Master offer a complete range of Anti-drop tools, 1000V VDE tools, Non-sparking tools, 1000V VDE Non-sparking tools, Atex Intrinsic safety tools, Non-Magnetic titanium tools, ESD safe tools and a Tool control system.
Certified Non-Sparking Atex Tools are available in Copper-Beryllium alloy & in Aluminium-Bronze alloy. The tensile strength of Copper-Beryllium (1250 N/mm²) is much higher than Aluminium-Bronze (800 N/mm²).
What do global customers say about EgaMaster Tools??
Non-Sparking, appropiate for explosive potential environments.
Non-magnetic safety, essential for equipments that require complete non-magnetic safety.
Corrosion resistant, specially will suited for applications in corrosive environments like encoutered in marine works or fire-fighting applications.
Forged after casting, provides higher mechanical properties and better finishing.
Ergonomic design, The use of bi-material anti-slippery handles, dipping anti-slippery, totally ergononomic desings make operations easier, more comfortable and master.
CAUTION: These tools are not clasified as anti-static because they do conduct electricity. Do not use high copper content tools in direct contact with acetylene due to the possible formation of explosive acetylide, specially in presence of moisture. For electrical safe tools we offer the VDE-1000V & Non-Spark VDE-1000V tools. For anti-static safe tools we offer the ESD tools and for acetylene environments we offer the special range with Acetylex tools.
Hardness: 35-40 HRc, Magnetism: Non-ferrous substance in the composition makes it safer when non-magnetic applications are required. Durability: Much higher due to the higher hardness and tensile strength, higher efforts can be made. Price: Higher price due to the special raw material used.
Hardness: 25-30 HRc, Magnetism: Minimum ferrous components makes them not 100% non-magnetic although its low magnetism make it appropiate for non critical non-magnetic applications. Durability: Not as much as Cu-Be. Price: Around 30% lower price than Cu-Be.
Tools made of Cu-Be alloy can be used in all groups (I, IIA, IIB, IIC) in a safe way, always respecting the maximum surface temperature allowed, except with acetylene that can create explosive acetylene gases.
Tools made of Al-Br alloy can be used in a safe way, always respecting the maximum surface temperature allowed, except for the IIC group (Hydrogen, gas of water, acetylene, bisulphide of carbon, ethyl nitrate).
Items with copper compositions higher than 65% should not be used in acetylene environments. Both aluminium-bronze and copper-beryllium allows do have a higher copper composite than 65%. Reason is not that copper-berylium can create a spark with the enough energy to create the ignition of acetylene, but than copper-beryllium can react with acetylene creating high explosive acetylates. For this reason, copper-beryllium or alumnium-bronze alloys should not be used in acetylene environments. EGAMASTER S.A. offer for this specific environment a range of special Acetylex Tools that makes it 100% safe to work in this environments.

Ega Master Non-Sparking ACETYLEX combination spanner
EGA MASTER non-sparking tools are certified by the prestigious German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), which is a European Union approved laboratory to certify according to 94/9/EG Directive (Atex). Ega Master Tools hold NATO OTAN Numbers.
See the downloads for this certificates.

Ega Master 74279 Non-Spark Socket Set
Special insulating gloves
For use from 500V up to 36.000V. Also available a Class 00 – Class 0 pneumatic tester for insulating gloves.